Your trauma specialist | Life medical
When innovation meets technology lbn | Life Medical
Precision german engineering | Life Medical
Ultra low profile distal radius plate | Life Medical
Solutions for surgeons

Life Medical provides high end products, services and solutions for treatment of musculoskeletal trauma. Our complete portfolio allows surgeons to treat all fractures of upper and lower extremities, whether with plates & screws, intramedullary devices or external fixators.

Our implants and instruments are manufactured locally in Europe and meet the highest international quality standards. Innovation leads to continuous improvement and enhancement of our implants portfolio, as well as our instruments and recommended surgical techniques. 

Solutions for residents

At Life Medical we believe in the strength and enthousiasm of young surgeons and their desire to excel in their field. Becoming an orthopaedic surgeon is not a job… it’s a passion!

To enable residents to improve their skills Life Medical provides the opportunity to join different local and international lectures and congresses. Furthermore we provide hands-on teaching at our cadaveric lab sessions. Ask your local sales rep for next available dates. 

Solutions for pharmacists

Hospital pharmacists are welcome to browse and search our complete portfolio, its specifications (e.g. reference codes) and list prices. 

Please feel free to contact our customer service if you require additional information. 

Solutions for nurses

Training of operating theatre nurses and managers is provided by our senior technical advisors to ensure every member of the operating team is fully experienced and confident in using our impants and instruments. Ask your local sales representative to schedule your next training session. 

Solutions for CSA

CSA departments are welcome to browse and search our complete portfolio of implants and instruments. 

Life Medical aims to design its imlants and instruments trays as intuitively as possible, for easier use by surgeons, nurses and CSA. 

Complete product portfolio | Life Medical

Complete product portfolio

Our complete and innovative portfolio allows surgeons to treat all fractures of upper and lower extremities.

24/7 Expert service | Life Medical

24/7 Expert service

Our experienced technical advisors take part in continuous medical education programs and are at your service 24/7.

Sterile loaner kits | Life Medical

Sterile loaner kits

Upon simple request our loaner kits can be delivered to your hospital fully sterilized (implants and instruments).

Innovation | Life Medical


Shorter time to surgery / Lower margin of error / simplyfying administrative tasks

"Combining technology with expert service, that’s what Life Medical is about"
- Steven Wouters, Life Medical
"We don’t just sell implants, we sell experience"
- Thomas Vanden Driessche, Life Medical
Highest service. Best product.

At Life Medical we believe combining our outstanding portfolio with expert technical advise is key to the success of our surgeons. Having a reliable partner by your side can make the difference for your patient. 

Send us a message

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Get in touch

Please fill out the form or contact us by phone for additional information. For orders we advise to contact your local technical advisor. Every order will be confirmed by email.
Molenberglei 36, 2627 Schelle, Belgium
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Antwerpen - Limburg
Oost - West-Vlaandernen
Brussel - Wallonië